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网络整理 2020-07-28 21:17
中国石化新闻网讯 据油价网利雅得报道,沙特日前敦促其欧佩克成员国及其非欧佩克产油国进一步削减石油产量,以期加快石油市场的再平衡。 沙特政府在一份声明中表示:“沙特的这个举措旨在敦促参与欧佩克+协议的国家和其他石油生产国坚持减产承诺以及在生产中提供更多的减产来帮助恢复全球石油市场的理想平衡。 沙特阿拉伯王国早些时候曾宣布,该国将进一步日减100万桶原油产量,达到日减750万桶原油产量,以支撑低得令人沮丧的油价。油价暴跌加上疫情蔓延的影响,沙特阿美第一季利润已经减少了25%。 随着石油收入的大幅下降,沙特阿拉伯政府不得不采取一些措施,比如将增值税提高3倍、暂停发放2018年出台的生活补贴,以及削减260多亿美元的公共支出。 布伦特原油价格在第一季度下跌了65.6%,导致油价暴跌的主要原因是沙特阿拉伯及其欧佩克+友敌俄罗斯的增产,以及冠状病毒疫情大流行对全球石油需求造成的沉重打击。结果,沙特阿拉伯发现自己拥有数百万桶卖不出去的石油。 今年4月,欧佩克+同意从5月开始把原油日产量减少970万桶。然而,对于石油市场而言,减产幅度过低,这一决定并未对油价产生持久影响,而随着全球石油需求受到疫情大流行的冲击,油价下跌趋势有所加剧。 李峻 编译自 油价网 原文如下: Saudi Arabia Urges OPEC+ To Cut Oil Output Even Further Saudi Arabia has urged its fellow OPEC members and their partners outside the cartel to cut deeper into their oil production to speed up the rebalancing of oil markets, Reuters reports, citing the Saudi Press Agency. “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s initiatives aim at urging the countries participating in the OPEC+ agreement and other producing countries to adhere to the cut rates and to provide more reduction in production in order to contribute to restoring the desired balance of the global oil markets,” a government statement read. The Kingdom earlier announced it would deepen its own cut quota by as much as 1 million bpd to 7.5 million bpd to prop up depressingly low prices that have already cost Aramco 25 percent of its first-quarter profits, in combination with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. With plunging oil revenues, the Saudi government has had to resort to some unpopular measures such as a threefold increase in value-added tax, a suspension of the cost of living allowance it introduced in 2018 and reducing public spending by more than $26 billion. The price of a barrel of Brent crude fell by 65.6 percent over the first quarter, under the combined pressure of rising production, notably from Saudi Arabia as well as its OPEC+ frenemy Russia, and the coronavirus pandemic, which took a solid bite out of global oil demand. As a result, Saudi Arabia found itself with millions of barrels of temporarily unsellable oil. In April, OPEC+ agreed to reduce their combined output of crude by 9.7 million bpd, beginning this month. However, the size of the cut turned out to be too low for oil markets, and the news did not have a lasting effect on prices, while the downward trend intensified as the pandemic crushed oil demand globally. 转载请标注:信息网——沙特敦促欧佩克+进一步削减石油产量
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